Why You Can’t Juice a Banana: The Truth About Juicing

Why You Can't Juice a Banana

Juicing is a popular way to enjoy the nutrients and flavors of fresh fruits. However, not all fruits are created equal when it comes to juicing. Today, we’re diving into why you can’t juice a banana.

The reason about you can’t juice a banana is that they contain low liquid and high starch content which means that they break down into thick pulp and mush when subjected to juicing. Instead of drinkable nutrition, you’ll end up with a gluey mess gumming up your appliance.

In this article, i will tell you elaborate on the specifics behind fruitless attempts to juice bananas and other types of fruits and veg that don’t juice very well such as avocados, mangoes, strawberries, Figs, rhubarb and Coconut. Understanding why these problematic picks fail as juice ingredients will help you avoid disappointment and wasted effort.

I will also suggest you what types of fruits that you can juicing well that you may want to try in your next juicing recipe.

Can You Juice Bananas? No

 Why You Can't Juice a Banana

Bananas are a staple in many diets due to their sweet taste and nutritional benefits. However, when it comes to juicing, bananas are a no-go.

Juicing bananas is practically impossible. Bananas lack the high water content that makes juicing feasible. Banana body consists of about 75% water along with 20% carbs in the form of sugars and starch. Compared to over 90% water content in fruits like oranges and grapes, bananas lack enough fluid to produce substantial juice.

So what should you do instead with bananas?

You can Blend them into smoothies, bake them into muffins, or slice them onto peanut butter sandwiches. But keep the bananas far away from your juicer!

Can You Juice Avocados? No

Can You Juice Avocados? No

The another question that people asked Can I Juice Avocados?.No, you can not juice avocados. Like bananas, avocados are not suitable for juicing due to their low water content and creamy texture.

Heres why you can not juice avocados due to following:

Low Moisture Content

A ripe avocado contains only about 73% water, that is even less than a banana water. Due to this avocados is not suitable for making juice.

High Fat Content

Additionally, over 75% of the calories in avocados come from monounsaturated fats. While these are incredibly healthy fats, they do not break down well in juicers. You may end up with a low yield of avocado juice dripping through a sludge of separated fats and solids.

Can You Juice Blueberries? No

Can You Juice Blueberries?

Blueberries are tiny but pack a punch in terms of flavor and nutrients. They’re full of vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Blueberries are small in size soit is difficult to juice blueberries but possible.

How to Juice Blueberries Effectively

To juice blueberries, it’s best to blend them and then strain the mixture to separate the juice from the pulp. This method maximizes juice extraction.

Benefits of Blueberry Juice

Blueberry juice is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, making it a healthy addition to your diet.

Combining Blueberries with Other Fruits

Blueberries pair well with apples, pears, and citrus fruits, enhancing the flavor and nutritional profile of your juice.

Can You Juice Cherries?

Can You Juice Cherries?

Cherries can be juiced, but like blueberries, the yield is minimal. Juicing cherries can be a bit labor-intensive due to the need to remove the pits. However, the resulting juice is delicious and packed with antioxidants, making it worth the effort for some.

Cherries can be juiced, but like blueberries, they require some effort.

Tips for Juicing Cherries

Remove the pits before juicing and blend the cherries thoroughly. Strain the mixture to get a smooth juice.

Health Benefits of Cherry Juice

Cherry juice is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and high antioxidant content.

Pairing Cherries with Other Ingredients

Combine cherries with berries or apples for a delicious and nutritious juice blend.

Can You Juice Strawberries?

Can You Juice Strawberries?

Strawberries are also a type of blueberries. Strawberries can be juiced. They have a higher water content compared to blueberries and cherries, making them more suitable for juicing. Strawberry juice is sweet and refreshing, though it may be slightly pulpy. It’s a great addition to mixed fruit juices.

Strawberries are a popular fruit for juicing due to their juicy nature.

The Best Methods for Juicing Strawberries

Strawberries can be juiced easily with a regular juicer. They yield a good amount of juice and have a delightful flavor.

Nutritional Value of Strawberry Juice

Strawberry juice is rich in vitamin C, manganese, and antioxidants, promoting overall health.

Enhancing Strawberry Juice with Additives

Add a squeeze of lemon or a handful of mint to enhance the flavor of strawberry juice.

Can You Juice Figs? No

Can You Juice Figs? No

Figs are small and delicious but they have low water due to this they can not be juiced. Figs are another fruit that doesn’t juice well due to their low water content and high fiber content. Juicing figs results in a thick, paste-like consistency. Figs are better enjoyed fresh, dried, or in baked goods.

Figs are delicious but not ideal for juicing.

Understanding the Texture of Figs

Figs have a thick, grainy texture that doesn’t produce much juice.

Ideal Uses for Figs in Drinks

Use figs in smoothies or blended beverages to enjoy their sweet flavor without juicing them.

Can You Juice Mangoes?

Can You Juice Mangoes?

Mangoes are also called king of fruits. They were produced in large quantity every single year in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and many others countries.

Mangoes, while delicious, are not ideal for juicing. Their thick, fibrous flesh yields very little juice and a lot of pulp. Mangoes are better suited for smoothies, where their creamy texture and sweet flavor can be fully enjoyed.

Mangoes are another fruit that’s challenging to juice.

The Problem with Juicing Mangoes

Mangoes have a fibrous texture and dense pulp, which doesn’t yield much liquid.

Creative Ways to Use Mangoes in Beverages

Blend mangoes into smoothies or make a mango puree to add to other drinks.

Can You Juice Rhubarb? No

Can You Juice Rhubarb? No

Rhubarb is more commonly used in cooking than juicing. Rhubarb is not typically juiced due to its fibrous nature and tart flavor. While rhubarb can be cooked down to make a juice or syrup, it requires significant preparation. Rhubarb is more commonly used in pies, jams, and desserts.

Why Rhubarb Isn’t Suitable for Juicing

Rhubarb is fibrous and tart, making it difficult to juice and unappealing on its own.

Delicious Rhubarb Drink Alternatives

Use rhubarb in cooked compotes or as a flavoring in drinks rather than juicing it.

Can You Juice Coconut? No

Can You Juice Coconut? No

Coconuts are better known for their water than for juicing. Coconuts, particularly the mature ones, are not suitable for juicing. The flesh of mature coconuts is too hard and fibrous. However, young coconuts contain coconut water, which is naturally a delicious and hydrating juice.

The Challenge with Juicing Coconut

Coconut meat is tough and fibrous, not suitable for juicing.

Utilizing Coconut Water Instead

Use coconut water as a refreshing and hydrating drink, or add it to smoothies for extra flavor.

Can You Juice Frozen Fruit?

Frozen fruit can be used to make juice, but it’s best to thaw them first. Juicing frozen fruit directly can be tough on your juicer and might not yield the best results. Thawed fruits release their juices more readily and are easier on the equipment.

Frozen fruit can be juiced, but there are some considerations.

The Pros and Cons of Juicing Frozen Fruit

Juicing frozen fruit can be challenging due to the texture changes when thawed. However, it can add a cool, refreshing element to your juice.

Techniques for Juicing Frozen Fruit Successfully

Thaw the fruit slightly before juicing and blend well to extract the most juice.

What Fruits DO Juice Well?

So, In last what fruits do juice well. Some fruits are naturally suited for juicing including:

  • Apples: Apples are excellent for juicing, providing a sweet, refreshing juice with a high yield.
  • Oranges: Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are ideal for juicing, offering a burst of vitamin C and flavor.
  • Carrots: Though not a fruit, carrots juice well and blend nicely with fruit juices.
  • Cucumbers: High in water content, cucumbers produce a refreshing and hydrating juice.
  • Pineapples: Pineapples are great for juicing, adding a tropical sweetness to juice blends.

Remember, Those fruits do juice well whose have high water and less fiber in it.


While juicing is a fantastic way to enjoy fresh produce, not all fruits are suitable for this method. Bananas, avocados, and other fruits with low water content or high fiber content are better enjoyed in other forms, such as smoothies. Knowing which fruits juice well can help you create delicious, nutritious beverages that maximize your juicing efforts.

I hope you will well know after reading this comprehensive guide about which type of fruits do juice well, and which type of fruits do not do well juice. If you have any question related to this, then feel free to comment in box below.


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